What Does It Cost To Reupholster A Lounge?

14 May, 2020 | Tips & Advice

In an increasingly throw-away world, replacing furniture can often seem like the best solution. However, repairing a lounge, particularly if it’s in good condition, is a great way of retaining both its functionality and character. Given the current circumstances with the coronavirus and many of us spending more time at home, it can also be a wise financial choice. Let’s look at why you should consider reupholstering and how much it might cost to reupholster a lounge.

What Should I Consider?

Just like the purchase of a new lounge, reupholstering is an investment. So it’s important that you weigh up your options and consider a number of different factors before going ahead. The first thing to consider is the age of your lounge. If it’s of high quality and well on its way to reaching the average lifespan of 15 years, then it’s probably worthwhile because it will extend its lifetime.

Another factor that may influence your decision to reupholster a lounge is the quality of its construction. Hardwood frames, for example, guarantee longevity as opposed to cheaper ‘flat-pack’ options. And if the filling is constructed of cheaper foam padding it may make the whole exercise less worthwhile as well. 

Why Reupholster?

Upholstery can enhance both your lounge’s appearance and comfort factor. But if it has deteriorated or is damaged, its lifetime may be compromised. That’s why it’s vital that repairs, including reupholstering, are undertaken as soon as possible. 

Reupholstering your lounge is also worth considering if it has great sentimental value. From lounges that exude historical character to those that have been passed down through generations, reupholstering can transform a much-cherished heirloom into a statement piece that will last a lifetime.

Unfortunately, with the mass production of products, many people are driven towards disposable, mass-produced products. And sure they may be functional, attractive and comfortable, but their lifespan is probably limited. Which means? They will be disposed of earlier, and probably into landfill as waste, which is definitely not kind to the environment.

Lastly, aesthetics. Furniture trends come and go and even your own personal tastes will change over time. You may have moved into a new home or redecorated, in which case your lounge may now look out of place. Or it may be of a unique style that is no longer manufactured so it can’t be replaced. 

Whatever the reason, reupholstering your lounge with a different colour, pattern or fabric can have a remarkable effect on the design appeal of your furniture and the ambience of your living space.

How Much Will It Cost?

At Lounge Repair Guys, the cost to upholster and/or repair chairs, lounges, ottomans, outdoor furniture or cushions involves four main elements.

The first is labour. This is quoted based on the size, build and design/decorative features of your furniture as well as the material you select for the reupholstery. There is no set cost – we prefer to quote individually as it ensures we can meet your budget based on your needs and wants.

The second element is material requirements like fabric, vinyl (leather imitation) and leather. Prices start from $44 per linear metre for fabric and vinyl, and leather we quote as per your requirements.

The third is additional repairs. These are quoted separately and are recommendations based on our experience. They include things like changing seat forms, boosting back cushions, repairing broken frames or springs and replacing broken recliner parts.

The last category is freight. Pick-up and delivery charges start from $82.50 each way.

Spending more time at home, but noticed your lounge needs a little TLC? We are committed to providing our customers with expert, cost-effective furniture repairs and restorations. Contact the Lounge Repair Guys now for a quote tailored to your needs and budget.

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